Industry: Real Estate
Location: Northeast
Multiple Former Industrial Sites Transformed into a Residential, Retail, and Commercial Development
ENTACT performed remediation activities across several blocks and lots as part of a larger brownfield redevelopment project aimed at future residential use. The site was impacted by multiple industrial operations, leading to soil contamination with various hazardous substances, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), hexavalent chromium, chromium ore process residue (COPR), extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (EPH), pesticides, metals, and lead. For this project, ENTACT:
- Designed, procured, and installed a 1,600-linear-foot, 40-foot-deep permanent vertical hydraulic control system
- Conducted dewatering, water treatment, and discharge to a nearby creek
- Excavated overburden and impacted soil from delineated areas
- Managed off-site transportation and disposal of excavated impacted soil and debris
- Performed in-situ stabilization of 3,000 cubic yards of hazardous lead soils
- Loaded and transported recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) and blended it with approved excavated overburden for backfill
- Backfilled excavated areas with RCA/overburden-blended fill to achieve subgrade elevations, compacted to 95% proctor density
- Imported certified clean fill to install 10.6 acres of various soil and capillary break caps
- Managed more than 70,000 cubic yards of material throughout the project
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