

Industry: Utilities

Location: Northeast

Results: Community and Infrastructure

Restoration of MGP site Near Industrial, Commercial and Residential Properties

ENTACT completed site remedial work and in-situ solidification and stabilization (ISS) of impacted soils at an 8-acre former manufactured gas plant (MGP) site. The project was situated near industrial, commercial, and residential properties; community parking areas, a recreational park; and water district facilities, including water supply wells.

Remediation included excavation, transportation, and disposal of 52,000 tons of MGP-impacted soils; in-situ solidification and stabilization of approximately 168,000 cubic yards of impacted material using cement-bentonite-slag grout to a maximum of 47 feet deep via 8-foot diameter vertical augers; construction of a temporary containment structure with vapor management system to manage and treat spoils; installation of a soilcrete retaining wall; and utility removal, relocation and replacement.

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Three individuals in an office looking at project plans on a large wooden desk